Whether you are a seasoned home owner looking to better your current deal, or you are considering taking out a mortgage for the first time, there are usually many unanswered questions that spring to mind:
How much can I afford to borrow?
Which bank is offering the best deal?
How much is it going to cost me?
Sure, we all like the prospect of owning a lovely home, but the paying back bit just isn’t as fun. Unfortunately, we can’t take that away for you, but we can possibly make it more cost effective.
With more and more specialist lenders and mortgage products on the market than ever before it’s a great time to re-assess what your current deal is and see if there’s something better out there.
The problem that most people find is that they have been with the same bank the past 10/20 years, so they assume that level of loyalty will be reciprocated in getting the best mortgage deal from them.